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      I’ve been enjoying this series. Particularly because I went into it without a clear idea of which computing tasks an OS kernel is responsible for. It’s very specific to the Linux kernel, but it’s a good introduction to the idea of a kernel.

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        It’s very specific to the Linux kernel, but it’s a good introduction to the idea of a kernel.

        You mean you were unsure which tasks Linux is responsible for in general, outside the context of this episode? (I don’t think I caught any reference to Linux in this episode). Not trying to judge, just trying to understand what you meant.

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          Oh geez! I’ve embarrassed myself. I’ve been reading an “advent calendar of linux system calls” and I thought this post linked to that series. Sorry for the confusion. Here’s a link https://osg.tuhh.de/Advent/ I really should have clicked the link, or read the tilte more carefully before commenting.

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            ah, thanks for the link. Got to beware of context switches ;)

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      You can play with on the Internet Archive