Threads for sevan

    1. 1

      There’s a part II which has been published too.

    2. 1

      The original author’s page for tracking the status with xz

    3. 2

      “it seemed like a good idea at the time” :)

    4. 1

      It was yesterday. :)

    5. 2

      “The name is a recursive acronym: “Tinmop Is Not Mutt or Pine”. The older of us can remember that, in turn, Pine is sometimes considered an acronym as well: “Pine Is Not Elm” and, finally, Elm means (according to Wikipedia): “Electronic Mail”.” :)

    6. 2

      It was no clear to me what STM32-base was. I found this after a little poking around:

      The STM32-base project is mostly meant for students and hobbyists. The goal of the STM32-base project is to provide a simple and easy to use base project for learning about and experimenting with STM32 microcontrollers.

      1. 2

        Went down an ARM microcontroller rabbit hole because of this tutorial series

        1. 2

          Thanks for sharing the goodies that you found in that rabbit hole :)

    7. 1

      Interesting read. I’ve fond memory of tcl as it’s the first scripting language that I learned practically. John’s tcl book is awesome too, making me realize the simplicity of the tcl syntax.

        1. 2

          Yes! Thanks for the link! It’s a great book!

    8. 0

      There was a recent headline about the EoL of Windows with result in so many millions of machines reduced to e-waste.

    9. 0

      curl, outside of the actual utility, everything that goes on from the community aspect (videos, writing, …)
      MNT on the hardware side, small team trying to build computers for us.
      autoconf because I don’t want to spend ages on ancient hardware getting to the point where I can attempt to build the shiny build tool.

      1. 2

        big year for curl. i feel like daniel spent a lot of time educating and evangelizing this year.

    10. 0

      Now just need some framework on top to assist with common programming :)

    11. 0

      Can we please have a «font» tag?

      I have seen some really cool fonts linked here, that are usually tagged as «text», which makes sense, but being able to quickly find all those fonts would be great.

      1. 0

        but part of the fun of submitting here is the elaborate process of trying to find an appropriate tag ;)

    12. 0

      Since it’s a paper and we don’t have a permacomputing tag, I chose propaganda, not intended as a pejorative.

    13. 0

      im really impressed that they made a pager in sh in so few lines! something I was considering for bollux for quite a while, lol. I think I over thought it, in fact this script makes me think I overthought a lot of things!

      ps about the name ‘bollux’: bc it started as a Gemini browser, I wanted to give it a name like one of the twins – Pollux. then I just put a B at the front for ‘bash’!

      1. 2

        Ahh, so you weren’t being childish? (completely unaware of Pollux, I assumed it was a way of saying script was nonsense by calling it bol**cks but in a different spelling). I suspect it would be worth adding that description to the manual or README.

        Edit, I made that assumption because bollux is in the dictionary as such.

        1. 0

          what no how would that be childish?

          1. 2

            Childish by resorting to vulgarity. (remember this is based on not getting the Pollux reference and looking bollux up in the dictionary)

    14. 0

      Need a permacomputing tag :)

    15. 0

      this looks nice!

      came here to mention bollux1, and am glad to see they mention it under Inspired By. i like bollux because it looks nice, it supports gemini and gopher, it prints links to stdout, so you have a breadcrumb trail / history upon exit (which i guess you could even redirect to a history.txt) and it uses less(1) as its pager so it feels very familiar and natural.

      1. 0

        I like it too, wish the name was different though. astro seems to be based around coreutils? (doesn’t play well on macOS, just various tools the script invokes complaining, such as dd)

        1. 2

          dd is the only way to read a single character using posix sh, which seems to be what theyre targeting. no idea what dd macos uses.

          you could edit it to have a /bin/bash shebang and use read -n1 instead of dd there. not sure what else you’d need to tweak.

    16. 0

      Need a DOS tag? :)

    17. 0

      Are they not leaking their writing style by blogging about it? 🤔

      1. 0

        I know! I just don’t get it haha

    18. 0

      I wonder if a similar architecture would be used again for computers. If an institution had a T6 connection for example.

      1. 2

        Ken Shirriff did a thread on the i960 a while back. As the article said, the reason the hardware was replaced was because it lacked the memory capacity to hold the internet routing table at the time (will be significantly more now, not major in modern terms but beyond the capabilities of older hardware).