Threads for mhj

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      Hi, I’ve used Guix before. I do like certain aspects of it more than NixOS. It seems to be more coherent in design, but alas, can’t really use it currently on my hardware because I’m just using wifi pretty much and can’t be plugged in anywhere. Because of only the libre kernel and libre software, it feels a bit lacking in some areas, but if you do desire other software, you can install the Nix daemon on Guix or Flatpak.

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        I have it installed as a package manager on an instance of Debian (armbian) alongside everything else, to learn it. Not touched the distro itself yet.

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      I’m definitely an Emacs user! Right now I currently use the following in Emacs: EMMS+Elfeed - for podcasts and RSS feeds Elpher - Gemini and gopher browsing Circe - IRC client! Mastodon.el - Mastodon client Nov.el - Epub reader Dired - Directory browser Orgmode - Lots of stuff lol Diary mode - Journaling! And yes, I use it as a text editor too.

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      Hi, I am!