Threads for jan6

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      Mr Corporation strikes again ;P

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        Yes, but I couldn’t submit that because I’m a new user and hasn’t been submitted here before.

    2. 2

      I also just noticed and mentioned this, lol, a bit too late, it seems…

    3. 1

      if it didn’t reccommend the fakes, then it’d be awesome, if all dem regulations were to go through we’d need to migrate to an alternate site altogether…
      google’s not good, but at least they make mostly-kinda-almost-Ok decisions…

      filtering out the “bad” speech would destroy free speech…

      1. 3

        Sorry, but free speech doesn’t apply to private institutions. Google does not need to facilitate hate speech, conspiracy theories (Especially harmful ones like anti-vaxxer rhetoric) or fake news.

        It’s especially concerning that people within the company have spoken out about these things, but that all takes a back seat to the almighty dollar.

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          not the company it should apply for

          I mean that people themselves can’t say whatever they want no more…

          all for not facilitating the wrong stuff, but it also shouldn’t be totally blocked off either

          1. 4

            You’re willfully misunderstanding “free speech.” Free speech only grants protection from government action if you were to criticize or speak out.

            It’s never been a guarantee that other people have to listen to you or give you a platform.

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    5. 1

      What’s even more frightening is that Kaspersky discovered the same type of technique used against the Asus Live Update software was also leveraged against three other vendors.

      and of course they won’t tell which ones, lol

      No apology was issued. This is not how you build trust. (Especially since this is far from being the first security blunder Asus has made.)

      also classic

    6. 1

      maan, they seems cool, with the small minus of actually requiring people in your vicinity to use them… seems especially cool idea…

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        Beaker would be cooler if it had android/iphone versions :/

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          there’s KINDA android version, I guess… it’s called Bunsen Browser… tho it’s basic and has no editing…

    7. 2

      Agreed. We need to make the web fun again, and not just an ad delivery service.

      More creators, less consumers.

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        Maybe we can all create and consume and be Consumeators.

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        meanwhile, yourtilde is busy setting up a banner exchange that’s quite literally an ad delivery service ;P

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          I see it more as a link exchange, much like a web-ring.

    8. 1

      their HTTPS is broke that’s all I need to say about it… idea’s cool tho!

    9. 1

      Whenever I write the word “Linux”—which is about 80 bajillion times every day—I let out a whisper-quiet, short, tortured scream, followed by a subtle wimper of defeated acceptance. If you’ve ever seen me at a conference, writing an article on my laptop, now you know why I look like a completely insane person.

      Well then, how about…LINIXS? ;P

    10. 2

      I can’t even count which number of repost this is, but it’s still awesome…posed on irc, posted on here, etc…still upvoted…

    11. 1

      it truly is awful… article 13 is stupid and evil, article 11 is merely dumb…

    12. 1

      awk is an extremely underutilized tool these days, it seems. Combined with perl, you can do some pretty fantastic records processing on a single machine much faster than you can on an ELKS or Hadoop cluster.

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        add a little bit of sed too and yeah, arcane arts of mystical processing magic! ;P (sed can totally be replaced by perl stuff, but still…)

    13. 1

      ooh, awesome…


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      Ì don’t see it being very useful either, I’d rather use a shell script than this, if I wanted to avoid make for whatever reason

    16. 1

      I agree with the title.

      To me, the rest seem pretty obtuse.
      In 2018 people should be talking of self-hosting, not about paying web hosting (that are likely to resell cloud services)

      1. 2

        I think paying for web hosting is one step above letting FB control your data.

        Of course, self-hosting is the best position to be in, but not everyone has a stable internet connection or the technical know-how to do that. Although, I would love for both of those to start moving in the right direction, baby steps first.

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          there are literally web/ssh/vnc/ftp/etc server apps for android… hosting your own servers is easier than ever… tho stable net is one obstacle, the bigger one is ISPs not allowing incoming traffic…

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          It sucks that ISPs have made it so difficult to have a home server - not impossible, just more difficult than it needs to be.

          If there was an iOS/Android app made to turn a phone into a server, that’d be incredible – I’d love to have people dial into my cellphone which hosts a BBS, but alas that’s only a dream.

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            dialing part might be a dream, but server part definitely isn’t…tho your server will probably not reach the internet cause dam ISPs deciding so…

    17. 1

      The length of e’s doesn’t matter. But it’s really sad that GitHub staff is bothering to listen to people who think that the repository doesn’t have a serious purpose.

      – iliana weller

      the mail got me, lol

    18. 1

      Android vs iOS: Which spies on you more?

      Lunduke's response to that, basically