Threads for ben

    1. 0

      Okay I kinda love this. I wonder if POSIX make would be possible … it’d be much more complicated..

      1. 2

        posix sh does have arithmetic expansion so probably?

        1. 0

          Wait it does? I couldn’t find it in the manpage.

      2. 2

        Okay I kinda love this.

        The expected answer was “Thanks, I hate this”, but I’ll take it. ;-)

        Re POSIX make: the arithmetic part is part of POSIX, but seq is not. That said I tried this Makefile on macOS, NixOS, Arch Linux, and OpenBSD and all of their bin/sh implementations had seq. I’m not sure about the differences between GNU and POSIX make, but it did not work out of the box with OpenBSD’s make but I was too lazy to look into why.

        1. 0

          I love doing things that aren’t supposed to be done with software :)

          I think the define syntax is a GNU extension.

          1. 2

            I love doing things that aren’t supposed to be done with software :)

            Me too :-) That’s why I’m always surprised when a post like this gets serious comments like “seq is a non-portable shell builtin” (not here, on another site). I mean, yeah, that’s true, but maybe portability wasn’t my main concern for a throwaway hack…

            1. 0

              Hahah, fair enough :) The tricky thing, especially about make, is that it’s so tied to shell it’s also hard to know how much shell is too much.

    2. 0

      our repo is here, upstream is on

    3. 4

      I’d totally welcome the help to clean up the tags.

      We allowed all users to create tags at one point since the userbase was so small here. I’m not 100% what the settings are for that at this point as I’ve rebased our codebase onto upstream recently.

      1. 4

        on second thought, i’m not even sure it’s possible to delete tags

        1. 0

          The fact that the tags were user generated explains a lot and it might worth thinking about starting from scratch with a fresh list of tag that make sense on the project.

          If tags can’t be deleted, then the whole point is probably useless.

          Thanks for your time and for administration :-)

    4. 2 is now updated to 1.15.5

    5. 2

      Cool, I hadn’t used buildroot before, but I have done quite a bit of tinkering with building openwrt for rpi devices - it tends to build much quicker and ends up with a smaller image.

    6. 0

      Just pulled in the latest fixes from upstream:

      1. 0

        Just a heads up in case, the favicon is the lobsters logo currently, I can’t recall if it was different before.

        1. 0

          That should be fixed - Try hard refreshing

          1. 0

            I see it’s fixed in Firefox but can’t get Safari to pick it up but I reckon that’s just a local issue that I don’t know how to fix.

            1. 0

              aaaand posting that reply fixed everything with local caching. thank you :)

    7. 0

      Cool! How do you switch between themes?

      1. 2

        it uses the prefers-color-scheme @media query so it will use your system setting

        edit: looks like you can set ui.systemUsesDarkTheme to 1 in firefox’s about:config.

    8. 2

      Very handy, I usually use

    9. 0

      Awww @ben, you’re the best :) Sorry my code was never really the right thing …

      Anyway this is amazing, I’m so happy!

      (Though I /might’ve/ come over to the “dark” side lately….)

      1. 2

        oh man that sounds like sacrilege coming from you! but welcome to the dark side

        1. 0

          Yeah my new job doesn’t have their overhead lights on ever, so a dark theme is actually better. Of course, I’d /prefer/ to have lights, but … when in Rome …

          EDIT: also, very nice theme all around :D

          DOUBLE EDIT: Of course, I still have a light theme in my editor XD

    10. 2

      that’s super handy, i’ll have to add that target to my makefiles

    11. 0

      yay sqlite!

    12. 2

      interesting, i spent a good chunk of time writing the dark theme when i originally set it up because was blinding me

      1. 0

        I just turn the brightness down on my monitor, lol. I find the contrast much harder to see with white-on-black (or green-on-black).

    13. 0

      no mention of xmpp, disappointing!

    14. 2

      compare xmpp. matrix is still mostly unusable in its current state.

      1. 0

        I found the example very interesting, especially if you can try it for free however it’s quite memory hungry.

      2. 0

        Interesting take. I feel the complete opposite, though (With some intense caveats so bear with me here).

        While XMPP is definitely more mature, it was more interesting 20 years ago when text chat was king, and voice and video chat was just a novelty. The problem with comparing Matrix and XMPP is that, while on the surface, they seem like competitors, being federated messaging standards, XMPP is first and foremost an instant messaging protocol. Rooms feel added on after, and where voice chat exists, it’s a complete afterthought. Maybe it will work, maybe it won’t. The extreme intercompatibility of XMPP is a great feature, but you can never, ever know if your correspondents can utilize voice chat unless you ask them[1].

        In Matrix, however, rooms and VoIP are first-class citizens. I don’t know if I can say “from the very beginning”, but it sure seems like Matrix, and especially Element were made, from the beginning, with VoIP in mind. While the monopoly of the Element/Synapse ecosystem is problematic, it’s helpful to just be able to assume a person you’re talking to will be able to utilize all the same features you are. Even under the best circumstance, I don’t think you even get close to that in XMPP.

        For years, I was rooting for XMPP, it’s got everything I want in a text chat, but if I want to convince my friends to use something other than Discord or Whatsapp, it needs the features that people want[2] from those apps. XMPP is great, but Matrix is solving a different problem. A problem that XMPP can solve, but only if you’re willing to put in the work.

        [1] Maybe some XMPP clients have a way of notifying the user of VoIP capability, I’m sure it exists, but I haven’t seen it.

        [2] Not to mention end-to-end encryption, which I know is possible in XMPP, but as an afterthought. It’s not a selling point if I have to walk a non-technical user through turning it on, and they have to remember to do it for each chat.

        Edit: Final thoughts: If you can show me an out-of-the-box XMPP solution like Synapse/Element that I can launch in a day, and get my Discord friends on, I’ll gladly set it up and try it out!

        1. 2

          1: xmpp has come a long way. rooms and video/audio calling work seamlessly even with my parents who are non-technical. (can’t really speak for the state of apps on ios/mac since we don’t have any of those, but some new updates for siskin and monal are said to have some major improvements)

          2: e2e encryption via omemo is also enabled by default and works great for 1:1 chats and private groups.

          additionally there are now some services that are great for easy onboarding like snikket for running your own server and quicksy for getting users onboarded with a familiar phone number flow (they get an address in the form

          1. 0

            Thank you! What app do you and your parents use?

            1. 0

              we use conversations. it’s really lovely and can replace any mainstream chat app.

              I run two ejabberd servers, for friends and family and one for that’s hooked up to shell authentication.

    15. 2

      I’m conflicted about most of the advice on this site. At least half of the points they list are things I’d consider anti-patterns like not including manpages, using windows, and even using emoji.

      A bit disappointed to see the linked discussion is on a closed platform like discord as well.

      At least they’ve got the basic points correct.

      1. 0

        It’s a bit ironic imo that discussions on CLI guidelines are held on a platform that doesn’t let you use any CLI-based clients.

    16. 0

      We’ll see how far I get this year, but I’m posting my c# solutions as I go here

    17. 2

      I wrote about this a while ago: my post.

      There’s also a new git config option in 2.28 init.defaultBranch that can make this change automatic in new repos.

    18. 2

      link 404s (also google bad ;)

    19. 0

      nice, i’ll have to look at grabbing the changes for as i use that too

    20. 0

      oh no! i like using scp

      1. 2

        seems like the best solution is to come up with an rsync wrapper?