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      Hey, there are other places on the Internet which don’t even support ‘+’ in email addresses properly - looking at you Twitter - where they strip everything, and including, ‘+’ all the way up to ‘@’. But I want to use a ‘+’ address, FFS!

      Rant aside, the post feels a bit melodramatic:

      Mutt developers seem completely uninterested in changing this […]

      There are three comments on that issue - none from Mutt developers - last one from 8 months ago. No one objects - the issue simply didn’t get anybody’s attention.

      Either way, the GitLab issue has this crucial piece of information:

      While this perfectly conforms to the RFC […]

      Message-ID header specification goes all the way back to the 70s. It feels like Mutt isn’t where things should be fixed.

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        There are three comments on that issue - none from Mutt developers - last one from 8 months ago. No one objects - the issue simply didn’t get anybody’s attention.

        One of the 2 people is the post author. Perhaps the lack of response from a developer was taken as showing lack of interest. (no idea, just trying to empathise)