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tilde scene’s crazy

tildes start up each and every day

i saw another one just the other day

a special new tilde

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      I’ve got an account on tildes.net if you would like an invite (which i got from cmccabe originally).

      I’ve been too busy here (meaning the tildeverse) to even drop by there, but it’s another nice community.

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      I’m never going to refer to the site as a “safe space” or ban anyone just for occasionally acting like a jerk in an argument—I’d probably have to ban myself fairly quickly. However, it will also never be described as anything like “an absolute free speech site”.

      I love this passage.
      On one hand he acknowledge his own personal responsibility.
      On the other he call for dialogue and good sense.

      A question though: what’s the relationship between the different tildes? I thought I was reading something about tilde.team (and was surprised by the pastel colours :-D ) till I realized that I was on a different domain.

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        It turns out that the relationship between the tildes.net site and tilde GNU/Linux boxes like tilde.team is mostly coincidental. Deimos wrote about it in an FAQ: https://docs.tildes.net/faq#why-is-the-site-named-tildes