1. 6

If you ever need to pip install in a custom directory, for example you want to install jrnl (commandline journal) to /tmp/jrnl (you can change path to a flash drive or a synced directory or something):

#install with
PYTHONUSERBASE=/tmp/jrnl pip install --ignore-installed --user jrnl
#and run with
PYTHONPATH=/tmp/jrnl/lib/python2.7/site-packages/ python /tmp/jrnl/bin/jrnl


lil’ explanation:


PYTHONUSERBASE=/tmp/jrnl pip install --ignore-installed --user jrnl

PYTHONUSERBASE = directory where to install
--user means install to user’s directory (overridden with PYTHONUSERBASE)
--ignore-installed is not needed if you’re gonna be using on the same machine, it signals to download all the dependencies there too, no matter if they’re already installed on your system


PYTHONPATH=/tmp/jrnl/lib/python2.7/site-packages/ python /tmp/jrnl/bin/jrnl

PYTHONPATH = “directory it’s installed in” + “python version” + “/site-packages/”

You can explictly call pip2 and python2, or pip3 and python3 if you want to specify that, the libraries will install in different subfolders, but bin/ will be overwritten